Longterm reliable partnership

TODES Ltd. this stability, growth and development. We have been representing a reliable partnership for our clients in the Republic of Belarus since 1992. Have obtained profound experience through more than 25 years of work we comprise both gaining new knowledge by adjusting to modern technologies and excelling in our specific area of expertise by developing automated information systems for state agencies and organizations from the Republic of Belarus and other European counties.
At the moment we provide new opportunities and technological insights for about 50 employees.
By consistently raising our awareness about requirements of a contemporary client we help our state agencies set up the high informational level of activity providing them with functioning and up-to-date software.
We want our clients to receive the best experience so that we can continue to offer exclusive quality and reliability of our digital solutions for those with highest expectations.

Custom-made Focal Area: the Republic of Belarus
  • State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus
    ASBC «Berkut-B»
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus
    AIS «Passport»
    SIS «Population Register»
  • Ministry of Taxes and Assessments of the Republic of Belarus
    AIS «Customs Union»
  • Department for humanitarian activities of the Office of the President of the Republic of Belarus. 

  • National Library of Belarus

AIS «Confiscate» EL NLB
Custom-made Focal Area: CIS countries
  • Committee for State Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    UIS «Berkut»
    Interactive Map
  • JSC «National Company «Astana Expo-2017»
    Astana EXPO-2017
  • Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    AIS «Saylau»
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    National System of Passportization

Large Hardware and Software Solutions Support

  • CITS of the National Library of the Republic of Belarus
Technological and cryptographic security activities

We are licensed by the operational-analytical center of the President of the Republic of Belarus to:

  • realize, assemble, set-up, maintain information protection hardware and software services, administrate cryptographic security activities;
  • engineer, design information protection systems


EDMS "DocFlow"

Full name of the system – Electronic document management system integrated with SMDO "DocFlow" (hereinafter – EDMS "DocFlow"). EDMS "DocFlow" is designed to maintain electronic document management of the organization, including using the interdepartmental electronic document management of state bodies of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter – SMDO). More...

AFIS «DACTO ​2000»

TODES Ltd has developed and supplied the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) "Dacto 2000". AFIS isintended for conduct of the fingerprint account and checking latent prints,withdrawn from crime places, on array of ten print cards persons, consisting on fingerprint accounts in Expert-Criminalistic Divisions (ECD).The AFIS also isintended for use in law enforcement bodies, for fingerprint registration ofcitizens and in various purpose identification systems.  More...


The"Analytics" subsystem provides the formation of complex analyticalreports on corporate databases and has flexible tools for graphicalpresentation of the analyzed information. Thework of the "Analytics" subsystem does not depend on the used DBMSwith which the information system works - PostgreSQL, Oracle and MS SQL. The main difference betweenthe "Analytics" subsystem and similar products is the ability for a userof any level to work in the subsystem, since the user does not operate withdatabase fields and tables, but sees familiar concepts of his subject areawritten in Russian. More...

Report Designer

The"Report Designer" subsystem is designed to generate regulated reportsbased on templates that the user creates. The subsystem has a Rest API thatallows you to integrate this subsystem into other systems. The main advantage is that thesubsystem does not just print data in .docx and .xlsx formats, but displays aclearly regulated official report. The user no longer needs to manually enterdata from the information system of an enterprise or organization into a reportform, the system will do this automatically.  More...

Videoconferencing Plus

The Videoconferencing Plus subsystem is not just a subsystemfor videoconferencing, it is a whole hardware and software complex for closednetworks where security, data confidentiality and the ability to integrate withexisting information systems of an organization or enterprise are important. Thesubsystem has all the necessary functions:online logging (audio, video, text), the ability to save meetings, flexibleaccess rights, the ability to generate meeting tags (tags) for easy search byprotocol.  More...

Document management


The "Document Management" subsystem is designed to automate the internal and external document management of an organization and enterprise. The subsystem allows you to have access to all documents of the organization and enterprise in any time and in any place. Also, "Document Management" allows you to control the execution of documents and has a flexible panel for setting notifications and subsystem settings.  More...

The "HR"subsystem is designed to automate the activities of personnel departments oforganizations and enterprises in terms of maintaining personal files ofemployees, staffing, organization of vacations, accounting for the personnelreserve, accounting for employee training, accounting for violations ofdiscipline and offenses of employees, reporting and for working with internaldocuments. More...

What do we offer ?

TODES LTD invites employees to its team to work on projects of large customers not only in the Republic of Belarus, but also in other countries.

If our interests are close to yours and you would like to try your hand at joint work, write a few words about yourself. The completed questionnaire will be placed in the database of employee candidates and reviewed by the heads of the main activities of the company. 
You can attach a resume or write about yourself in a free form! Don't miss your chance!

More about our vacancies...


220088, Belarus, Minsk
Nagorny lane, 5

+375 (17) 270-09-30

+375 (17) 270-09-39

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